Invention of the "TrendurEn"
(Screen shot courtesy of PreSonus Studio One)
From Patrick Lee Cheatham. A copy of a recent filemedia post/comment/note, typed into browser focus rectangle for Instagram on March 2nd, 2025.
See | | ... for a quick listen to Entropic Front music. The track name should be selected before again selecting the Play arrow, to listen to all the 30-second clips.
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(Photo attached:) Avid enjoyable and laborious work/play at the FileMedia Workstation, is bringing along a single track for Entropic Front to possibly release before the end of March this year. I am currently coordinating with another set of musicians, to possibly perform dual concurrent releases, one version in "Entropic Front" style and one version of the "other band's" rendition with guitar and vocals/lyrics. You can expect occasional continue to post updates on progress. -- Patrick
'*textuote*' of mine:
"Entropy has in/on/at 'the present'/'the occurrent' -- our **trenduren**, which is when/then/'*whenvia*' potential exists for activity to mentally and bodily leverage and exist.
The '*Trenduren*' is pronounced {🔉trend-dure-on🔊} similar to the French en-tropy and en-tre, etc. It can benefit for us to type the word, and mentally depict the word with our mesencephalon's-integrated-in-peripheral-brain-componentry^^, as is a computer dictionary term, with 2 capital letters: ""TrendurEn"".
The TrendurEn is 1 millisecond in *dur*ation (diff. between two computer msec clock ticks) in/at/on ***(time-analogous-((bogus))** thickness.
The 365/366-day year could be differed into 8-day '*wehks*'". That I have decided upon, to publish in time. Either 25, or better 55, new '*ouhrs*' could restructure our '*timelendar*' calibrators, adjusting the unit for the '*seekunde*' to tally to a different duration than the current second, to allot that '*newne*' would be at 22.5 (or 12.5), and 22.5 + 22.5 (12.5 plus 12.5) would total to 55 (or 25). // End note: [1] 'time' and [2] 'thickness' are [1] an abstraction for comparative difference mensuration, and 'time-date' only matters when 2 or more time-date descriptors are loosely and ambiently compared by us, as in anticipating appointments and reviewing receipts and former events, and [2] 'thickness" is on the incorrect other 3 axes.) PLC